For the last few years, J. Kingston Pierce has provided part-time help to an independent bookshop in his north Seattle neighborhood. Here are his 10 crime-fiction recommendations for inexperiencedreaders.
Schlagwort-Archive: George V. Higgins
Filmkritik: “Killing them softly”
Hier sterben die Leute ganz schonend — Brad Pitt zeichnet in der Gangsterstory “Killing them softly” eine Parabel der amerikanischen Gesellschaft. Sie ist brutal, pessimistisch und schlimmstenfalls wahr.
Filmtipp: “Killing them softly”
Amerika als reines Business: Ein Raubüberfall, eine Handvoll Ganoven und das Wiederherstellen von Ordnung. Andrew Dominik liefert mit seinem neuen Film einen hyperrealistischen Kommentar auf die Wirklichkeit.
Artikel: The criminally overlooked novels of George V. Higgins
Higgins, who died in 1999, is not read today as widely as he deserves. He may be due for a revival. Random House has reissued several of his books and the movie “Killing Them Softly“, with Brad Pitt, based on a 1974 Higgins novel, “Cogan’s Trade”.