“The Accursed,” an astonishing fever dream of a novel, sets loose specters from the beyond to prey on innocent and guilty alike. But are there any real innocents in the diseased society Oates so scathingly depicts?
Schlagwort-Archive: Joyce Carol Oates
Rezension: Joyce Carol Oates: “The Accursed”
Some novels are almost impossible to review, either because they’re deeply ambiguous or because they contain big surprises the reviewer doesn’t wish to give away. In the case of “The Accursed,” both strictures apply.
Rezensionen: Joyce Carol Oates, Waren Ellis, Sue Grafton, Peter Robinson
Marily Stasio on: “Daddy Love” by Joyce Carol Oates (“Oates is a mind-reader who writes psychological horror stories about seriously disturbed minds”), “Gun Machine” by Warren Ellis, “Kinsey and me” by Sue Grafton and “Watching the Dark” by Peter Robinson.
Rezension: Joyce Carol Oates: “Vergewaltigt”
In den USA erschien “Raped: A Love Story” bereits 1994. Vielleicht mussten Autorin und Verlag mit dem Tabu einer Beziehung zwischen Täter und Opfer spielen, um auf dem Markt der Opfergeschichten noch Gehör zu finden. Der Roman ist allerdings eher eine Art Krimi.