Rezensionen: Davis, Taylor, Shepherd, Kerr

Jake Kerridge surveys the latest crop of historical crime novels, including Lindsey Davis’ “The Ides of April”, Andrew Taylor’s “The Scent of Death”, Lynn Shepherd’s “A Treacherous Likeness” and Philip Kerr’s “A Man without Breath”.

Rezensionen: Davis, Fitzstephen, Leon, O’Sullivan

Declan Burke reviews some of the latest crime fiction like Lindsey Davis’ “The Ides of April”, Owen Fitzstephen’s “Hammett Unwritten,” Donna Leon’s latest Brunetti novel “The Golden Egg” and Mark O’Sullivan’s crime fiction debut “Crocodile Tears.”

Beitrag: The Ides of April with Lindsey Davis

Best known for her series of books featuring Marcus Didius Falco she is also the author of “The Course of Honour” and “Rebels and Traitors”. Her new series features Flavia Alba, Falco’s British-born adopted daughter who is a private investigator in her own right.

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Rezensionen: Beaton, Bond, Davis, Grieves, Hayder u.a.

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