Es werden dieses Mal besprochen: »Feast Day OF Fools« von James Lee Burke, »Ghost Hero« von S. J. Rozan, »The Vault« von Ruth Rendell und »The Burning Soul« von John Connolly.
Schlagwort-Archive: New York Times
Krimikolumne: Calculated Murder
Es werden vorstellt: Leonard Rosen: »All Cry Chaos«, Gianrico Carofiglio: »Temporary Perfections«, Amanda Kyle Williams: »The Stranger You Seek«, Jason Webster: »Or The Bull Kills You« und D. E. Johnson: »Motor City Shakedown«.
Rezension: Zoran Drvenkar: »Sorry«
You were considering setting this review aside, but now you’re toying with the idea of staying with it. Please do, because »Sorry« is the kind of thriller, the kind of novel, that doesn’t come along every day
Rezension: Lee Child: »The Affair«
Lee Child’s books usually concentrate on the strategic genius of Jack Reacher, who has long since earned his prominent place in the pantheon of cool, smart-talking American heroes. But »The Affair« shows off the gifts of a different strategist: the author himself.
Rezensionen: Crime: Art, Poetry, Murder
In der New York Times werden vorgestellt: »A trick of the light« von Louise Penny, »Plugged« von Eoin Colfer, »A bitter truth« von Charles Todd und »The adjustment« von Scott Phillips.
Kolumne: New in crime fiction
In der Kolumne werden diesmal folgende Bücher besprochen: George Pelecanos: “The Cut”, Laura Lippman: “The Most Dangerous Thing”, Martin Walker: “Black Diamond” und Sebastian Rotella: “Triple Crossing”.