Rezension: Tom Williams: “A Mysterious Something in the Light: Raymond Chandler, A Life”

“In every generation there are incomplete writers, people who never seem to get much of themselves down on paper,” Raymond Chandler wrote in his later years. “I guess maybe I belong in there too.”

Interview: Tom Williams

The London Times hailed Tom Williams as the “best biographer” of one of America’s foremost detective novelists, and described his book as “packed, insightful, entertaining.” Critics are calling him ebut study of Raymond Chandler a definitive work.

Rezension: Tom Williams: “Raymond Chandler, a Life”

There never was a private detective like Philip Marlowe. As his creator Raymond Chandler (1888-1959) once wrote: “The real-life private eye is a sleazy little drudge …He has about as much moral stature as a stop-and-go sign.”

Kurzrezension: Tom Williams: “Raymond Chandler: A Mysterious Something in the Light. A New Biography”

Drawing on new interviews, previously unpublished letters and archives on both sides of the Atlantic, literary gumshoe Tom Williams casts light Raymond Chandler, this most mysterious of writers.