Rezensionen: Aykol, King, McKinty, Jones u.a.

Reviews of Aykol’s “Baksheesh”, Doug Johnstone’s “Gone Again”,  Laurie R. King’s “Garment of Shadows”, McKinty’s “I Hear the Sirens in the Street”, Chris Nickson’s “At the Dying of the Year”, Shepherd’s “The Poisoned Island”, and Vargas’s “The Ghost Riders of Ordebec.”

Rezension: Esmaham Aykol: “Baksheesh”

Esmaham Aykol’s “Baksheesh”, translated into English by Ruth Whitehouse, is the second of the Kati Hirschel mysteries. After the well-received “Hotel Bosphorus”, it once again introduces the reader to the fascinating city of Istanbul.

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